Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is this just me?

Part 1:
The other day I was hanging out with some people and I realized that I had been spaced out for a while trying to analyze these people. However I wasn't analyzing them for their good and bad qualities as people, because I love them dearly as friends, but instead I was analyzing their relationships. I started to think that this was semi strange, I realize it isn't something that everyone does, I just thought I would post about it so that people could see how I think sometimes.

So what happened this night, We were watching the T.V show "How I Met Your Mother"and it was an episode that I had seen multiple times, so instead I just started looking at the relationships between different people. This was very interesting for me to do because I wasn't analyzing so that I could make judgements upon them, instead I was analyzing for myself. I have noticed that whenever I see a relationship between two people I start to see who is the more dominant or submissive, and who is the one that think's they are smarter than the other, and other things along this line. Now this sounds like I was judging them and the people I was, have, and always will analyze. I do this because in all of these relationships I pick them apart in my head and realize which I like and which I don't. I realize that this is how I personally make relationships, friendships or romantic relationships. I find things in relationships that I like and that work well for me.
An example of this would be that I saw some people act ditsy or a little less knowledgable around certain people when I personally know that person to be very intelligent. It's weird how we decide that doing this with certain people creates and holds those relationships, but from watching this I realized that all of my friends I encourage to think more and try to increase their knowledge as well as mine, I like to be able to have very intellectual conversations.

I'm not sure how much of this makes sense, because it may make sense to me but not other people so here is a shorter version of all of that. I find things in other peoples relationships that I like and try to find relationships of my own that include those aspects.

Also this came to my attention of how true love can exist, is when most, if not all, of these aspects you want in a relationship is shared by both people in the relationship. This, in my eyes, is true love because it's almost as if you are the same person, with minor variations, just different sexes (or in some cases the same sex I guess)

Part 2:
While I was thinking about true love this night I remembered the Oedipus Rex complex that Freud came up with that every man is secretly in love with his mother. I thought about this and I personally don't think it is being in love with their mother in a romantic way, or wanting to marry someone like your mother. I think of this more as you want someone like your mother not because of your mother but because of what she gives you.

I love my mother more than anything, and I realize that I will want to be with someone like her when I get older. Not in the sense of just like my mum but instead because my mum truly loves me (haha yea that just happened for those of you that get the joke). Because as I grew up my mum was always there to help me through everything, I may have been a total douche towards her sometimes but she knows that I love her just like I know she loves me. I realize that this Oedipus Rex complex was created because a mother is most often the first person that will truly love you more than anything in the world. It's not because you are romantically attracted to your mother, but instead its because you want a person in your life later on in life that will love you as much as your mother loved you. Considering everything I have put both my parents through, and how much they love me (or at least how much I hope they love me). I will be lucky to find a woman later on in life that will love me as much as they do.

The best part about this is that I hope that one day I will be half the parent that my parents are to me, because I want to make my child(ren) feel as loved as I do in my life.

(Note: I am also very thankful for everyone else in my family, not just my parents, because they all are the most supportive and loving people I think I will ever meet in my lifetime)


I hope people that read this will take the time every now and then to tell their parents how much they appreciate them (if not your parents, someone in your life that you love immensely). Because even if it is out of the blue or just a "Thank you for Everything" it will mean a lot to them.

I hope all my readers enjoy this Double post, and forgive me for taking forever to post a new blog post :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What would the world be?

Ok so before I post this I have to let you all know that this is not my theory on anything but more just me giving a topic for people to think about.

So today at dinner with my family I randomly sparked a conversation about dogs and dog breeding. Now as we all know there are hundreds of types of dogs in the world, same breed and mix breed. Now think about how we do this, we tend to get two dogs that are healthy and are of the same species (or different depending on the outcome we want) and that are good looking dogs and then we breed them to get more dogs of the same. In most cases we decide on what kind of dog we want and how we want it to look based on which parents we choose to breed. We neuter the dogs we don't want breeding and a lot of the time we leave the dogs that people raise to be show dogs untouched so that we may breed them and create more show dogs.

Ok so now that you have that in your head think about it. We control the majority of the population of domestic dogs throughout the world. We do this because we want a certain kind of dog. Now this was where our conversation at dinner stopped, however my thoughts kept going. I started thinking about the human race, how we have a handful of different races, however all these races look super similar to each other. And I know that this isn't happening right now and I personally do not believe it ever will but what if there was a species that controlled us? What if we were bred a certain way to create certain offspring? Yes this does happen in a small population of the world due to arranged marriages in a way, but just take some time next chance you get and think about it. What would the world be for us, as humans, if we were bred a specific way to get specific results? And then realize how lucky we actually are to be able to decide who we choose to mate, of course its hopefully consensual for both parties, but just think about it. Because I'm sure if you ask your parents (if you can) or ask a couple who are madly in love and are having children or not, in that person's eyes they are reproducing more champions for the world.

I just thought this was a great thought and made me realize how glad I am to be human and to have free will. Of course the search is agonizing and sometimes I do wish that someone else could just do it for me as do a lot of people (hence online match making and friends setting friends up on blind dates). But I have to imagine that at the end I will create my own little champions, as I hope the rest of you reading this will too.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, as it was my favorite post that I have written so far.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Go ahead, Make my day"

This post is not going to be a "theory" of mine but more of a recommendation by me.

Today it came to my attention how our society has become a lot less friendly. So I am posting this to say to everyone, compliment people more often. I know it seems like a ridiculous thing to say but today I was wearing some new gloves I got and was unsure about but went ahead with it anyway, and some random girl I'd never officially met in one of my classes gave me a compliment on them. This was so unexpected and genuine that it really just made my day. I don't think we realize how much we can affect someone's day just by giving them a genuine compliment. Of course I'm not suggesting flooding the market with compliments and reducing their value, I'm just suggesting to everyone that you might be able to make someone's day that much better and so I think we need to start taking advantage of those moments.

Just imagine how great you will feel knowing you might have fixed someone's terrible day just with a few words.

Just a suggestion,

Nice Guys Finish Last

The other day I was driving out of a parking lot down a one way lane, going the right way of course, when a lady turned down my lane going the wrong way. Now I'm not saying women are bad drivers just this one happened to be, but the point of the story is that when she turned down this lane going the wrong way she stared at me and gave me this terrible look. Now even though I was going the correct way and doing nothing wrong I still felt slightly bad about this situation. And this here is why I think the "Nice guys finish last" saying came around, because these nice guys (or girls) always tend to care more about what other people think and try to make other people happy before themselves, at least that is how it is for me.

Now what I think happens is that we (I will say we in reference to the "Nice Guys/Girls") take on everyone else's feelings and troubles onto ourselves making our race a lot longer than other peoples. Because this lady was not the first time this has happened to me. In our society I have noticed that some people feel like when they make a mistake they tend to try to push it off on someone else, and make them feel bad even though they did nothing wrong. This has happened to me countless times and I realize that it needs to be brought to the attention of most people, people need to realize that when they do something wrong they need to take responsibility for this because whether you know it or not, that one time you blame someone else could be the one time to push that person over the edge and cause them to have an episode that causes some heavy mental distress on them.

The point of this post was to give a small example on why people can't put their problems on other people because even though you don't know them, you might be putting a heavy burden on someone that can't deal with that in their lives, and making their race a lot longer and influencing more on the "Nice guys finish last"

Before anyone starts to say how this isn't always the case and might not be the reason why nice guys finish last, its just one of my theories on why it might be or why it might be for some people. And also because everyone does this or has done this or will do this (put something on someone else) including myself. I just want people who read this blog to think about it before they try to put their mistake and problems on other people you don't know.


If you want to leave a comment about how this affects you, or how you've done this or anything like that, feel free :) I may not respond but I do read all the comments I get from everyone.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Balance Part 1

So the other day I had been thinking about the meaning of life and how life exists and why some species go into extinction. What I am about to say may seem very controversial and seem harsh and its not meant to be it is just my thought on life.

My theory on why life sustains itself and why we as human beings exist still is based entirely behind balance. Life sustains itself by keeping a balance in everything. Anything in life in fact can be brought back to balance. We reproduce because we have a balance of males and females and when you conceive a child there is a balance of genes from each parent (in most cases). And because of this balance a new life is created. I believe that life sustains around this theory of balance. With balance anything is possible as long as a balance is there. And this brings me to politics and ideas people have around situations.

Life is life because of balance of ideas. Many people think that if everyone thought the way they thought life would be so much simpler. It might be simpler but I think that it wouldn't last too long. What would republicans be without a democratic party to be their opposite? Would there even be Pro-Life if there was no Pro-Choice or vice versa? No, you need the opposite side of the argument to realize what you have as a person and, even more importantly, as a person with free will. It is similar to the theory of if the Devil did not exist, then would God still exist? Because even though one represents evil or sinning and the other represents being good, they still compliment each other.(Please do not attack me for that statement as I am not fully knowledgeable in religion at all, this is what I sort of know at the moment and I am planning on learning more before the next parts of this section). Or if nothing bad happened in the world, how would you know if what we have is good? We need this balance between the two to recognize that the other still exists.

But balance does not mean that if everything was the same that we would be happier because it would be the "Ultimately Perfect Balance". No because if everything was the same then life would stop evolving and adapting to new situations in life. If everything was the same we would not have great inventors like Albert Einstein with different ideas to challenge our knowledge of how things work. If everyone in the world was the exact same on all ideals, we would have one massive cult and evolution of the human race would cease to exist because everyone would have the exact same types of thoughts and there would be no creativity because there wouldn't be anything to be creative between.

Now yes this "Balance" theory is kind of common knowledge, but I think it is more than that. I feel like everyone on the planet is working towards their own balance and a balance in the world. An example I have been using for this is World War 2. This is because Hitler and the Axis powers tried to conquer a lot of europe. This was throwing off the balance of the entire world leading into a World War. I believe that even though we say we were fighting for freedom and things along that line, I believe we fought to restore the balance in the world. I say the balance in the world because after the war ended we occupied germany for a short while and now it is run by their own government. And we are also doing the same in Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan, we occupied and tried to restore their balance and slowly withdraw ourselves out so that they can run themselves and keep balance to the world.

And that is it for Part 1 of my theory behind how Balance is the key to existence and the human race. I'm not sure when I will post Part 2 at the current time because it is very hard to word this topic just because of how sensitive some topics are nowadays.

Thanks for reading,

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Theory behind class awkwardness

This morning I had one of my health and exercise science classes. In this class I always arrive somewhat early just because I hate trying to get a parking spot at the same time everyone else is. Anyway this is what I went to class with, everyone came into the classroom and just sat down, no one said anything to anyone except the occasional head nod of acknowledgement. Here is my theory behind this.

Everyone in life has the same kind of goal (this is my assumption based off my friends and family it could very well be wrong) is to not be lonely throughout their life. Everyone has different ways of filling this loneliness, some people make tons of friends, some try to get in a relationship, and some people get pets (this is usually the most extreme case when it is ONLY pets keeping a person company I've come to notice) and some people do a combination of all of these. The two most popular are friends and/or relationships, you are probably thinking why is he pointing out the obvious?

Well I say all of this because I have learned that all relationships are based somewhat off of the first impression between the people in question. This all becomes an issue in the classroom because no one has been able to, or at least very few people have had the chance to, make a good first impression on the other people in the class. I do not believe that anyone in life wants to be considered the weird person and ignored by everyone. This becomes a problem because when a teacher asks a question to the entire classroom and no one answers it has a reason and is "solved" by the teacher very poorly if you ask me. What happens is no one in the classroom wants to get the rep of THAT guy/girl who is going to answer every question the teacher asks or thinks they know everything. So because of this no one in the classroom answers the question, and the majority of the time the teacher will say (if this is the beggining of the year/semester) "Ok everyone take a chance and get to know your neighbors and talk/introduce yourself to at least four people around you" We all know this because it has happened to us at least once in our academic career (most likely more). Here is the problem with this system. To make a good first impression it usually requires the person initiating the "meet" to be relaxed (some people can feel this way faster and are usually the people who have lots of relationships of all kinds). However when the teacher makes you talk to these people, you suddenly get a small rush of panic of how to make a good first impression because you know you will forever be remembered by that impression. This usually results in an even more awkward environment because everyone in the classroom is acting like they are too cool to introduce themselves and make an impression when they are really just a little nervous about the impression they might make.

Here is my possible solution to this problem (may work, it may not, its just a suggestion). But from what I have found as I have watched people get to know eachother is that the first thing that someone looks for as a connection to someone is usually a sense of humor. Most people feel joy when they can make someone else happy or laugh. This is why my solution involves comedy and luck. If a teacher has a class and then one day (preferably in the beginning of the school year) does not show up until about 20-30 minutes into the class one of two things can happen. Usually the "Class Clown" does this but sometimes it can be someone else, but this person will make a joke out loud to the class and hopefully make people laugh, thus breaking the ice. I think this works because when you laugh with other people you suddenly feel like you might be able to converse and you become more relaxed and start talking to people around you about the class being stupid or why the teacher is late, either way these people will be able to talk to eachother about something they have in common and become less awkward. Yes you can't do this with everyone in the classroom but by the transitive property if everyone knows someone through someone then everyone knows eachother at least a little.
However the reason why this solution requires a bit of luck is that there is a second result to a teacher not showing up. The "Cool kids", or the people who think they are too good for everything and everyone, will get up and just leave, and then everyone else will follow because no one wants to be left out or be considered a goody two shoes that will sit in the classroom until the teacher shows up even if everyone is leaving.

So in conclusion, for this solution to work you have to hope that the comedy guy/girl in your classroom will make a joke before the "Cool Kids" decide they are better than everything. For those of you reading this that are not in school anymore, this same thing happens in offices and work situations, people try to find a time where they can make a joke to break the ice. So if you want to try and start a relationship of any kind, giving other people an oppurtunity to make a small joke that isn't offensive or mean will be a great way to meet them, or if you are the jokester try to make jokes to more people that looks like they are in a mood to meet a new person.


Also I realize that a lot of my pieces will change from the starting topic as I write it, this is because my thoughts piece together better when I write them out and I usually go into writing these things with just an idea, nothing official.

Theory behind technology and relationships

So to start things off, my name is Dan. I want to express completely before I write any of this down is that these are just thoughts that I have had and are not scientifically proven so bear that in mind.

So my theory behind why the world is so close minded nowadays is that it all lies around technology. What happens is in the past people had to talk to each other face to face or over the phone at the most. What was great about this was you could hear or see a person's emotions while you talked to them. What has happened to us now is that we talk to people through some means of technology to start off. This could be Facebook or Myspace or Texting or Instant Messenger. The problem I have found with this is that when you talk to someone through one of these means of communication you put them through a screening process. During this screening process the majority of the population (that I have met) always makes a decision about what this new person will be in their life during their first conversation. And what this means is that someone can predetermine their future relationship (if any) with the person they are talking to.

The reason why I think this is a bad thing is because of how people interpret information. Without the aspect of emotion it is hard to completely know for sure how a person is reacting to what you are saying as you say it through Instant Messenger. We have all been in that situation where you say something to someone in a text or email that has a hint of sarcasm to it, however the person on the opposite side of the conversation may take it as real. I know that I personally recently was in this situation where one slight misunderstanding due to lack of vocal tone led into a giant argument only to come back to the beginning and realize it was just a misunderstanding of tone through a text message.

So in conclusion this was just a little thing to think about next time you are texting or emailing someone, Maybe you'll have a better relationship with this person if you call them or even better organize a time when the two of you can meet and have this discussion.

Thanks for reading,