Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nice Guys Finish Last

The other day I was driving out of a parking lot down a one way lane, going the right way of course, when a lady turned down my lane going the wrong way. Now I'm not saying women are bad drivers just this one happened to be, but the point of the story is that when she turned down this lane going the wrong way she stared at me and gave me this terrible look. Now even though I was going the correct way and doing nothing wrong I still felt slightly bad about this situation. And this here is why I think the "Nice guys finish last" saying came around, because these nice guys (or girls) always tend to care more about what other people think and try to make other people happy before themselves, at least that is how it is for me.

Now what I think happens is that we (I will say we in reference to the "Nice Guys/Girls") take on everyone else's feelings and troubles onto ourselves making our race a lot longer than other peoples. Because this lady was not the first time this has happened to me. In our society I have noticed that some people feel like when they make a mistake they tend to try to push it off on someone else, and make them feel bad even though they did nothing wrong. This has happened to me countless times and I realize that it needs to be brought to the attention of most people, people need to realize that when they do something wrong they need to take responsibility for this because whether you know it or not, that one time you blame someone else could be the one time to push that person over the edge and cause them to have an episode that causes some heavy mental distress on them.

The point of this post was to give a small example on why people can't put their problems on other people because even though you don't know them, you might be putting a heavy burden on someone that can't deal with that in their lives, and making their race a lot longer and influencing more on the "Nice guys finish last"

Before anyone starts to say how this isn't always the case and might not be the reason why nice guys finish last, its just one of my theories on why it might be or why it might be for some people. And also because everyone does this or has done this or will do this (put something on someone else) including myself. I just want people who read this blog to think about it before they try to put their mistake and problems on other people you don't know.


If you want to leave a comment about how this affects you, or how you've done this or anything like that, feel free :) I may not respond but I do read all the comments I get from everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Nice guys always do finish last. You just need to find a nice girl or guy and then you can sit on the bottom together!
